Monday, 28 December 2015

Case Study on Silicon Valley and Tech Bubble

​​Silicon Valley is a leading hub and ​startup ecosystem​ for high­tech innovation and development, accounting for one­third of all of the ​venture capital​investment in the United States. It was in the Valley that the silicon­based integrated circuit, the microprocessor, and the microcomputer, among other key technologies, were developed. As of 2013, the region employed about a quarter of a million ​information technology​workers. This describes the case study on Silicon Valley,Significance on nowadays in world and in context to India,significance of Tech Bubble,factors for increase number of startups,Govt. policies.
This case study by Ecell ssgmce covers following points like

1​.History of Silicon Valley
2.​Significance of Tech Bubble
3.​Factors for increase in the number of startups 

Click Here for complete case study and you can watch the video here.